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Tag: .Net Core

Coordinate Transforms in .Net Core 3 with MathNet

Coordinate Transforms in .Net Core 3 with MathNet

Sometimes you will need to convert between two coordinate systems. In this case, we are going to transform the coordinates using .Net Core 3.0 and MathNet. The MathNet assemblies can be download from NuGet; I am using MathNet 4.8.1, which is the latest version at the time of writing and is already compatible with .Net Core 3.0. In my example, I have two coordinate systems, one starting at point 0,0 and with a max x and y of 600 and…

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Reading and Writing Delimited Files in .Net Core

Reading and Writing Delimited Files in .Net Core

I often need to read and write files in delimited files from within a .Net Core application. It seems that there is no inbuilt parser for doing this so I wrote one. The code consists of a single static class “DelimtedFile” that has two methods, one to read a delimited file and one to write one.